SIMPSONS HENTAI is a hardcore adult animated series that explores the twisted and depraved desires of characters from the classic animated TV show, The Simpsons. Featuring Bart, Lisa, Marge, Homer, and other familiar faces in graphic and explicit sexual scenarios, this hentai series pushes the boundaries of what is considered taboo and perverse. The Simptoons The Simpsons With each episode, the animated characters engage in obscene acts of debauchery, including but not limited to: anal penetration, oral sex, forced submission, and domination. The language used in SIMPSONS HENTAI is vulgar and uncensored, with no holds barred when it comes to depicting the most obscene and explicit scenes imaginable. So, if you’re a fan of The Simpsons and have a penchant for hardcore hentai, then SIMPSONS HENTAI is the perfect blend of your two favorite vices. Get ready to experience the Springfield of your dreams… or nightmares, rather!