The Attack on Titan Manga series is a Japanese manga written and illustrated by Hajime Isayama. It was first published in 2009 and has since gained immense popularity worldwide. The story is set in a dystopian world where humanity is threatened by the Titans, giant humanoid creatures that eat humans without reason. The protagonist, Eren Yeager, vows to destroy these Titans and reclaim the world after witnessing the death of his mother at the hands of a Titan.

The series is divided into several story arcs, each focusing on a different aspect of the conflict between humans and Titans. The first arc, titled “The Fall of Shiganshina,” introduces the main characters and sets the stage for the rest of the series. It details the events that lead to the destruction of Eren’s hometown and his decision to join the military to fight against the Titans.

The second arc, “The Battle of Trost District,” sees the characters confront the Titans in a more direct manner as they defend a major city. This arc introduces new characters and provides insight into the history and lore of the Titans.
The third arc, “The Humanity Restoration Plan,” involves a daring plan to infiltrate the Titan’s territory and find a way to restore humanity’s numbers. This arc also delves deeper into the political and social structures of the human world.

The series is known for its dark themes, graphic violence, and shocking plot twists. It has been praised for its unique art style and character development. The Manga has been adapted into an anime series, as well as several spin-off manga and light novels. The story is ongoing, with the manga currently in its final arc.