10 Most Popular Doujin
I watch a lot of. You know this. I know this pretty sure. Even my parents know this point, but when I’m not immersing myself in the animated world of drawing affection, I read a lot of doujins and it’s easy to see why they’re sure they’re sweet and you can beat your dick to them. Whats not to love and with the easy access provided by the internet.
I’D say that I probably read about three to five new ones every single day and I’ve done so for about three years now so making a conservative estimate at about three per day times 365 times three for the number of years and we get [Music]. Oh, my [__], god point is I’ve read quite a few one of the ones I’ve read. There are a few that stick out to me as being absolutely superb problem. Is a lot of them have maybe three to four safer work pages that I can actually show on YouTube, so dedicating an entire video to them would have run out of stuff to show you very quickly and generally just prove pretty visually uninteresting.
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Thus, I decided to make this compilation video instead, meaning that you get more recommendations and I get to talk about more domains. Obviously, there is a bit of subjectivity to such a list, as hentai is a very personal medium. I have, however, tried to pick out the ones among my favorites that I feel the most people would be able to get something out of. I’Ve also left some timestamps in the description each accompanied by one to five word description of what I think the main appeal of the different series are so as to make the video a little easier to navigate as well as allow you to easily skip around it.
If you so desire without further ado, let’s get into it the most wholesome entry on this list has, without a doubt, got to be a juror’s anniversary. Its about a couple celebrating their 10-year anniversary on Christmas eve and as one of the presents that they give to each other. The girl gives the guy a letter talking about their good time spent together and stating how she wants to start a family with him. One thing leads to another and well, they start making a family. Whats special about this one is definitely just the sheer amount of quality put into the art of the artist. Your rory undoubtedly has some of the best looking art I’ve ever seen, not just in the domain but in general, and it’s often heralded when people bring up the rental’s art argument and for good reason.
I mean look at this [__], it’s [, __, ], gorgeous and every now and then, when reading through one of his works, he just treats you to an absolutely breathtaking page that honestly has no business being in a domain. Nevertheless, I am glad that it is. You then pair that with a good vanilla story and it’s just an all-around good time honestly, I could have picked any of jurors works to take up this spot on.
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The list anniversary is just my own personal favorite, and I feel a good entry point to the artist and, if you like this one girory has you covered with an entire backlog of doughnuts that are just as well made and as wholesome. Momohime is a domain based on the Japanese folktale of momotaro, which describes a boy who was born from a peach to another. Kaplan afterwards went to oni island to fight on in this rendition of the story. However, the peach is an oddly shaped owner hall and the boy is a girl named momo.
The series uses a combat system based around sex, which, despite almost being a trope at this point, it’s still stupidly fun to watch. But the main appeal of this one is definitely just seeing the different towns that momo misses on a journey through only island, for example. At one point, she makes it to a town that has been spouting propaganda about how women are completely inept at performing any task that doesn’t involve sex, and you see the effect that this is out of the town of the people in it.
They just start degrading women to a level only describable sharia or time. Three there’s also some subtle gaps in grander themes like, for example, how our religion basically has the same end goal of being a decent human being or in the case of this domain. Having a lot of babies, yeah there’s still extreme hate between religious groups because they have different means of getting there once you start looking for it, there’s a lot of small little things that just help make the story more enjoyable, even from a non-porn point of view.
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The landscape and world design is also absolutely phenomenal and really helps give the world character. I say read through the first three chapters of this one and, if you’re not interested by that, it’s probably not, for you – remember, playing Pokemon go in the summer of 2016 running around with the boys trying to catch that snorlax that just appeared by the local train Station well, what if, instead of Pokemon the app showed you people who were willing to have sex with you? This is basically the concept of tamagoro’s [, __, ], buddy collection.
An app is taken Japan’s female youth by storm which allows you to see anyone in the new vicinity willing to have sex with you and ranks them on their sexual prowess on Achilles from f2s. You then get points for sleeping with guys scaling with their tier rankings and level up with the app essentially gamifying. The act of hooking up the main character. Mana is a competitive user of the app and goes around trying to collect the best [__] buddies. The star doesn’t take itself too seriously, and it’s mainly just a fun and unique means to create some diverse sex scenes which they managed to do just fine, be one though there are some borderline ugly bastards in this one. So if that’s a deal breaker for you probably give this one a skip. Fukushi Simon follows the story of tasks.
A heavyweight class high schooler who’s been mercilessly bullied and blackmailed by the same three female students for the better part of his high school life. This all changes one day when the girls ask for him to try and hypnotize them as practice for an upcoming event and to everyone’s surprise, it actually works now, rather than going the obvious route of just hypnotizing them to do. You know what he instead implants. A simple suggestion in their heads a slight notch in the way that they view the world that the worst way that you can degrade and bully someone almost comparable to torture is by having sex with them and conceiving their child.
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So from there on out the girls really just do all the work themselves and in an attempt to make this guy’s life a living nightmare, they end up doing exactly the opposite, whilst making their own lives. Wasn’T the process and watching these girls [__] themselves. Over trying to torment someone else is just so satisfying and the big reveal when they find out exactly just what they’ve been doing in one of the later chapters priceless and pretty hot. Might I add what you see is basically what you get with this one? It’S a revenge story with a pretty unique twist and to help deliver it.
You have some ridiculously well drawn and superfluously plump anime girls. If that sounds like something up, your alley give this one a shout up. Next on the list, we’ve got a [, __, ] and renae sudan, which is a domain that touched my heart as much as it did my dick school bicycle kawaii and sport ace Fuji sage randomly meet each other on the school’s roof during lunch one day and Start talking about relationships, wijisaki then tells kawhi how he had issues, keeping it up when he tried to have sex with his girlfriend and kawhi being the honors student that she is offered to help him practice so that he can do it right next time practice. I know this sounds like the setup to a ntr hentai, but that really is not where the focus of the coin lies. Is that he’s much more centered than just telling a cute story between these two getting intimate on the rooftop, while keeping the new elements?
As far to the side as they possibly can, the main girl is also extraordinarily cute, and even though it’s made clear that, yes, she is the school [, __] she’s still presented as being a genuinely good person that offers to practice with him not to try And ruin his relationship, but rather just in a genuine attempt to actually help this guy overcome his anxiety, whilst maybe getting a bit of a dick in the process, which is strangely wholesome. If you like me, like you, a bit of gentle femur, I cannot recommend this one highly enough and, if you’re in it for more afterwards, there is also a lesson on part two which [__] her mom.
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If you’re looking for racial oppression in your hand tight, then you can just show elf a scar you covered. Ah, you thought I was gon na be racist there for a second in a fantasy world. Where else have been completely subjugated by humans? Certain health brothels have started popping up for the use of the extremely wealthy and influential in our own name. The main character is one size visitor of one of these brussels and he’s given a top class out. There shenanigans ensue, they meet up in a private room and they uh they do the thing.
What I really like about this one is that, despite the main, elf being completely subdued and physically submissive to the main guy, you can still feel that tingle of contempt and longing for revenge in her it’s just so beautifully illustrated through both metaphorical means and superior. Eleven smartness making the entire thing gives off this vibe that, even though he’s physically dominant and she is playing along with it beneath the surface, she’s really the one in control and she just shows an utter disgust towards both him and his entire race.
And while he tries his best to break her, she simply just has the stronger mental between the two kind of like a failed mind, break attempt which isn’t something that you see too often. The other style also has a super glossy look, which is just right up. My alley, and if you want in some elven fun yourself, give this one a look while the topic of elves elf yawco to pacopago is super generic elephantai with zero redeeming qualities in terms of narrative, storytelling or character design. Why is it on the list? Then? Its just [__] out man. Daisuke is a human exchange student now living with an elf family in elf lane, and he has a dream: a dream of [__], an elf and who better to help him fulfill that dream than his new host family and zoey tries tempting his host mother Into an affair, and while else are usually pretty sexually inactive people, once they get a whiff of those human male hormones, elf, brain goblet, as you might have noticed, the domain is fully colored and I really enjoy just how expressive the elves are in it.
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I said, though I did run this one past a couple of my friends and they all said that it was okay at best and from an objective standpoint. I have to agree, there’s nothing exactly fresh or unique about it, but personally I just enjoyed the [__] out of it and if even one of you can get half the amount of joy from this one that I’ve had I’d say that it’s done its Job here, hard mock follows the story of you, whose sister raker is a famous aero, manga artist. Whenever she finishes up a new arrow manga, she has a ton of pen up lust, which she then takes out on her brother and the star.
Then lets you into some very graphical details as to how exactly she does this. I’M pretty sure that most of you have already heard about this one, if not from the domain and at the very least, from the 2017 anime adaptation of it aero manga sensei. The dojo is split into two parts, with the first focusing on the sister and the second focusing on his tank goddess of a classmate who just so happens, to be a fan of her sister’s work.
The girl’s also drawn in a very meaty manner, which leaves very little to the imagination in terms of just how plump they are, and their succulent frames also play really well into the sex scenes. God that sounds so creepy as positions were chosen to pair really well. With that sort of body type planes of the series strength it all just comes together as a nice hole. A word of warning, though there are some feminine aspects prevalent in this one, but that doesn’t instantly turn you off from it.
I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised with what you find here in the world of instant lost loli-baba, a famously strong onion named aura lives in the mountains that has defeated every combatant, who strives to challenge her upon hearing of this. Our main character Romero goes to confront her to test his skills. They clash for a bit and kazra then tells to Romero that he’s not half bad and maybe, if he can beat her, she should give him as a reward, a prize that only she can offer through her womanly charms and alleviation to his long journey yeah. They [__] on the second page after he decoy the sessions. Rumor will then ask casper if she wants to marry him and she kind of goes dab, [, __, ] it.
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Why not, and from then on out from the moment that they get together the rights of the moment that jerome or dies of old age you get to see the two of them live out their married life as he slowly ages. Yet she stays an emotional on age only as one is only 32 pages, but they so elegantly cramming to the top, with details and personality to the point where you really get invested in these characters and while the smart scenes themselves are pretty good. Well, this one really shines through it’s just with the story and specifically the ending where – and I won’t spoil it here, but they drop a huge twist on you, which not only nicely wraps up the narrative but also adds context to all the previous pages.
Essentially, just improving the entire work as a whole and it was pretty decent to start off with the main goal on this one might be a lolli. But honestly, I don’t even care if you’re into that or not give this one a read what you’ll find is a neatly packaged story which might even leave you a little emotional after you’re done with it, and even if at face value. This doesn’t seem like something up your alley. Trust me when I say that you won’t regret at the very least giving it a look while every other entry on the list has been somewhat arbitrary in terms of numbering sake by supporter is number one.
For a reason. Its my favorite cousin and, if that’s not the case for you, you probably just haven’t read it yet in a world where succubi have lived among humans for generations, the human bloodline has been thoroughly mixed with that of the demon seductresses to the point where almost every Living human beings has some degree of succubus blood flowing through their veins and if even one percent of a human’s genetic material is that of a succubus, this even loses all this nutritional value and flavor for any succubus who might want to taste ends mast. One of the last purebred humans in existence and after having tracked him down the two main soccer by sisters, piano and turmoil, offer him a job with benefits and pension as a full-time semen dispenser. Needless to say, he accepts the position getting straight into the meat of it.
This one just has something for everyone. You, like busty, succuby boom, feeling up for a lolly. Milf bam want world building detailing how sucky, by controlling the global economy, by sucking Joe Biden’s dick you do now and to help deliver all that you have fused absolutely smooth and wonderful artists. He pulls in his expertise to deliver you some great smart scenes and not some of but literally the best blowtip scenes to ever grace modern hentai and with all those factors playing in this becomes objectively, in my opinion, the best dungeon out there. I know this is a pretty well known doujin, but I’m not enough of a hipster to derive my personal favorite from a number one spot just because of its popularity and on the off chance that you haven’t read this one.
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Yet I envy you because you’re in for a damn treat that’s about all. I have for my list if you’re interested in anything I mentioned, the names of east domain are listed in the description, each accompanied by a six digit number that I am certain that you already know how to use. As always a big thank you to the patrons for bankrolling these videos, as you might have guessed, I don’t really make anything directly from YouTube, but through you guys support, I get to just make the videos I want. Instead of trying to go hurt to some weird sense of advertiser friendliness, if you’re interested in supporting me and the channel, you can even get the uncensored version of this video and many others by becoming a patron and simultaneously help. Allow me to create hentai reviews as a sort of part-time job. While I finish my education, it’s great fun and I genuinely do appreciate it until next time